Bundaberg Region Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy

Updates & News

  • Project Update #6 November 2019

    Further CRG meetings (6 and 7) were held in August and October 2019 where members contributed to developing and validating the long list of adaptation options to mitigate coastal hazard now and under future sea level rise scenarios. A range of options were presented to the community group from the “Compendium” of adaptation measures, including regenerative options such as beach nourishment, dune construction and regeneration; coastal engineering options such as seawalls, artificial reefs and groynes; land use planning options such as land buy-back; development controls and non-structural options such as disaster management, education and awareness campaigns.

    The group also reviewed the pros and cons of each option and provided feedback to the project team about the suitability of the options for each coastal settlement in the context of the current and future coastal hazard risks i.e. settlements may experience a change in risk profile over time – How will we mitigate the risk going forward?

    Is there a scenario where defend is no longer an option? Do we continue to monitor the sea level until it reaches certain levels?

    As part of Phase 7, the CRG also provided input to the ranking and screening of adaptation options by considering the costs, benefits, effectiveness, viability and negative impacts of the long list of options. The project team have used the CRG input in conjunction with technical expertise to refine the long list of options to refine multi criteria assessment. This assessment will assist the economic appraisal of the adaptation options for input into the final strategy document in Phase 8.