Bundaberg Region Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy

Project Overview

Many coastal communities face coastal erosion and inundation risks. We are already experiencing erosion problems across the Bundaberg region including Woodgate Beach, Moore Park Beach, Nielsen Beach and Miara. It is anticipated that projected sea level rise and more intense storms from a changing climate will increase and extend these risks.

To assist in understanding and adapting to climate change, Bundaberg Regional Council has developed a Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy (CHAS). The CHAS looks at hazards such as coastal erosion, storm tide inundation and sea level rise and identifies adaptation options to reduce risks associated with these coastal hazards.

Council completed a draft version of the Strategy and Action Plan and undertook a 28-day period of community consultation starting 3 August 2020 and ending 31 August 2020.

A total of 14 submissions were received resulting in minor modifications to the final version of the strategy. This included additional information to describe the coastal zone including the importance of well vegetated dunes, riverbanks, creeks and mangrove systems as natural buffers to storm tide inundation, permanent sea water intrusion and coastal erosion.

The final version of the Bundaberg Region Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan was adopted by Council at the Ordinary Meeting 29 September 2020 and is now available for download in the document library, or here.

Project Update #9 September 2020

The final version of the Bundaberg Region Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan was adopted by Council at the Ordinary Meeting 29 September 2020 and the project is now complete. Council wishes to thank everyone involved in helping develop the document, particularly the Community Reference Group.

Project Update #8 August 2020

Council has completed the draft Strategy and Action Plan which will be released to the public for a 28-day period of community consultation from 3 August 2020 to 31 August 2020. Council is seeking feedback from members of the community on the strategy and action plan. Have your say!

The CHAS is being funded by the QCoast2100 program and Bundaberg Regional Council. The QCoast2100 program is a commitment by the Queensland Government in partnership with the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) to provide funding, tools and technical support to Queensland coastal councils to prepare plans and strategies to address coastal hazard risks as a result of climate change.
For more information about the QCoast2100program, including the minimum standards and guidelines CLICK HERE