Bundaberg Region Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy

Updates & News

  • Project Update #4 - April 2019

    A third CRG was held on the 21st March 2019 to invite CRG members to share their experiences with coastal hazards e.g. storm tide inundation or coastal erosion. The CRG provided local observations and identified a range of infrastructure assets, environmental and cultural features and properties exposed to present day and future coastal hazards. The group also provided valuable input into the CHAS project by ‘ground truthing’ the coastal hazard mapping created in the earlier phases of the CHAS. The mapping viewed by the CRG is available in the Document Library. The CRG was also invited to consider what might be deemed as acceptable, tolerable or unacceptable levels of risk to different assets, features and property. 

    The Our Coast project team has also completed the early analysis of the assets and features that are exposed to the storm tide inundation and coastal erosion extents identified in the earlier phase of the CHAS. This analysis will undergo a full risk assessment process to enhance the understanding of the consequences of existing and future coastal hazards. This will be presented to the next CRG scheduled for May 2019 where the group will discuss risk tolerability in more detail and help to prioritise the assets and features based on community values.