Bundaberg Region Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy

Updates & News

  • Project Update #3 - December 2018

    The Our Coast project team has completed detailed coastal process modelling to assess the areas likely to be impacted by storm tide inundation and coastal erosion along the Bundaberg Region’s coastline. This assessment will be used to enhance the understanding of the areas which are likely to be affected by existing and future coastal hazards.
    The updated information will be used to help identify how coastal hazards may affect a range of assets such as buildings, roads, infrastructure, recreation and the natural environment.
    Following the call for applications for the Community Reference Group (CRG) earlier in the year, members have been appointed and the first CRG meeting was held on the 9th August at Council’s office in Bundaberg. The CRG were introduced to the Our Coast project team and were given a briefing on the project, their roles and responsibilities and projects program and activities.
    A second CRG was held on the 18th October where Prof Gavin Smith of the US Department of Homeland Security’s Coastal Resilience Center, a globally recognised expert in climate adaptation, disaster recovery and resilience and Stephen Dredge of Meridian Urban facilitated a workshop session. The CRG identified characteristics of their communities and the things they value about the coast to shape how the CHAS considers and examines particular aspects of coastal living.
    Council will be launching the first Our Coast survey to the community in January 2019 and is seeking input from the wider Bundaberg community about what features of the coast are valued above others and what concerns they have about the impacts of coastal hazards may have on coastal living.